If you're paying for your Master Tour account on a Monthly basis or you are in the last month of your Annual term, you can add other Professional users to your billing on my.eventric.com.
If you have paid for Master Tour Annually and need to add a User to your Billing, please reach out to our Billing Team for assistance at +1-773-862-4246 ext. 3 or by email at billing@eventric.com.
Note: You will not be able to add a User to your Billing if that User is already paying for the Subscription of other users. In this case, please reach out to that subscriber so that they can remove users from their Billing. Once they have removed any users form their Billing, you will be able to add them to your Billing. Instructions on how to remove Users from your Billing can be found here.
- Log into my.eventric.com
- Click on Subscription & Billing in either the quick link on the left or in the dropdown navigation in the top right
- Click on Change Billed Users
- Enter the email address of the User you want to add to your billing. The my.eventric.com web portal will check if a User already exists with that email address in Master Tour.
• If a User already exists with that email address, then you can simply make sure "Bill this subscription to my account" is selected, and check any permissions checkboxes you want the user to have. Make sure to click the Update button to save your changes!
For more info on Organization Permissions and what they enable your Users to do, check out this article. Also note that when the box is checked for "When adding a user to an organization, send a notification email", the user will receive a notification email for each Organization they are added to.
• If a User does not exist with the email address you entered, then you will need to fill out a short form to create a User account for them
And then you will be able to give them Organization Permissions if you want. Make sure to click the Update button to save your changes! - Once you've added any Users you wish to pay for, click Proceed to Checkout
If you do not already have a credit card on file, then you will see an "Add Payment Method" button instead, and you will need to add a credit card in order to checkout. See this article for more information on updating your payment method. - On the checkout screen, you will see the cost for paying for your new User(s). If you're already partway through your billing term, then you will be prorated a partial month now for the new accounts, and will be shown your next monthly amount along with the date when it will be attempted. For instance, here Joanna Preston is paying for 2 new users, but Joanna is 2 weeks away from the end of their current subscription period on August 10. So, Joanna only pays for 2 weeks of their new child users' subscriptions through August 10, and will pay a full monthly amount for all 3 users' next month on Aug 3:
Completely new users that you have created, like Bill in this example, will technically start off as Demo Professional Users until you pay for them, which is why you might see that alert at the top about demo periods being ended. - After clicking Complete Order, you'll see a confirmation screen showing the Users Billed To Your Account, and your Next Payment date and amount
- You will also emailed a receipt with amounts paid for each User and a total paid for all Users in that Checkout