Master Tour offers two types of subscriptions, Professional and Mobile.
Professional Accounts require a monthly fee, either paid monthly or annually, while Mobile Accounts are free to use. To view pricing and features for each plan, please visit our Pricing page located here.
As a User, you do have the option to not only pay for your account but also manage and pay for other User accounts from the Subscriptions & Billing module in Master Tour 3 and the Web Portal.
Subscriptions can be upgraded and downgraded as often as required. This allows a User to move between being a Professional User and a Mobile User. Master Tour does not remove any of your Tour data when you downgrade.
Professional Subscriptions can also be suspended and reactivated as often as required. This allows a User to continue using a Professional Subscription through the current paid billing period. Master Tour does not remove any of your Tour data when you suspend.
If you have paid for Master Tour Annually and need to upgrade, downgrade, or add & remove Users on your Billing, please reach out to our Billing Team for assistance at +1-773-862-4246 ext. 3 or by email at
Once you start paying for an account, you will be sent an automatic payment reminder email ten days before the end of the current subscription term. You will be billed the total of your subscription seven days before the end of the current subscription term. For example, if you have an annual or monthly subscription expiration date of the 10th of January, you will be sent a payment reminder on the 1st of January. You will then be billed on the 3rd of January.
When your payment is received by Eventric, you will receive an email with the subject line "Your Master Tour Receipt." This email will include your invoice, which will contain an overview of your charge and subscription renewal date.
If there were any issues with your payment, you will receive an email with the subject line of "Your Master Tour Subscription Will Expire Soon." There will be information about the rejected charge in the email. If you see a message about requiring valid credit card information, please update your billing information using these instructions. If you see a message that the transaction was rejected by your issuing bank, please reach out to your bank for information or try to use a different card for payment.
If we cannot process your payment by the expiration date, you will receive an email notifying you that your subscription has expired.
Master Tour Billing can be reached for billing questions by phone at +1-773-862-4246 ext. 3 or by email at