If your account has been downgraded either on purpose or on accident due to nonpayment, you can quickly and easily re-add all the same users you'd had on your billing before your downgrade.
- Log into my.eventric.com
- Click on Subscription & Billing in the quick links on the left or in the dropdown menu in the top right
- (Optional) Change your own subscription plan to Professional. See this article for more information on upgrading your own subscription.
- Click on the Review & Re-add Accounts button, located on the Subscription & Billing page
or on the Users Billed to My Account page - Select which users you would like to add back to your billing and click the Add Users button. Any users who are paying for other users, being paid for by other users, or have paid for an annual account will not be eligible to add back to your billing.
- Click the Proceed to Checkout button. If you currently do not have a valid payment method, then you will need to add credit card info first. See this article on updating your billing information for more info.
- Click Complete Order on the Master Tour Checkout page to charge your card and pay for your users
- On successful payment, you'll see a confirmation screen telling you that your order is complete and you've been sent a receipt email
- You will be sent a Master Tour Receipt email with info on which users you added to your billing and how much you paid, for your records