If you know that you're going to be downgrading to Mobile (free) at the end of a billing period, you can just cancel the Auto Renew feature, so that your account will not attempt to renew and charge you a week before the end of your billing period.
If you are paying for any other users, canceling Auto Renew will remove them from your billing immediately. This is to allow the other users the greatest flexibility and earliest notice in being able to pay for their own user accounts in other ways, if they wish. Any users removed in this way will still retain their Professional subscriptions for the remainder of their terms.
- Log into my.eventric.com
- Click on Subscription & Billing in the quick links on the left or in the dropdown menu in the top right
- Click Cancel Auto Renew
- Read the confirmation dialog, and click the Proceed button if you want to continue. In this case, a user is paying for another user, so canceling Auto Renew will also remove any child users from their billing.
- On clicking Proceed, you'll see a message saying your subscription has been updated, and a Next Payment of "None"