You can add Users to your Organizations in Master Tour 3 and the Web Portal.
If you have paid for Master Tour Annually and need to add a User to your Billing, please reach out to our Billing Team for assistance at +1-773-862-4246 ext. 3 or by email at
This article covers:
How to Add Users in the Web Portal
Click here to login and access the My Users section of the Web Portal.
Next, click the Add New User button in the upper right.
On the next page
- Enter the Email Address of the User you would like to add in the Email Address field.
- Click the Continue button.
If a user with this email address doesn't exist in the Master Tour system, you will be asked to create a user account for them. If a user account already exists for this email address, you will skip this Add New User form and go straight to assigning Organization Permissions.
- Complete all fields and select all checkboxes in the Subscription Details section.
- In the Billing Details section, select either User pays for their own subscription or Bill this subscription to my account. See the article on how to Add Users To Your Billing for more info on billing other users to your account.
- If you selected "User pays for their own subscription," select the Subscription Level from the Subscription Details dropdown. If "User pays for their own subscription" and "Professional" are both selected, the user will be given a Professional trial that will automatically downgrade to Mobile at the end of the trial.
- Complete the Captcha
- Click on the Create Subscription button.
You will then be directed to a page that allows you to set the User's Permissions across your Organizations. For information about Organization Permissions click here.
- Select the Permission level for any Organizations that you are adding the User to.
- Click on the Update Permissions button.
You will then see a confirmation message stating that the User was updated. If the checkbox for "When adding a user to an organization, send a notification email" was checked, that user will get an email that they've been added to the Organization(s).
How to Add Users in Master Tour 3
Within Master Tour, select the Organization in which you would like to add a user. If you'd like to pay for your new user, you'll need to use the web portal at instead - check out the article on how to Add Users to Your Billing for more info.
- Click on the Gear icon to the right of the Tour Name at the top of the application.
- Click into the Users section within the Organization Section in the left menu.
- Click on the Add button in the upper right corner of the application.
Next, you will be directed to the Search for User screen.
- Enter the Email Address of the User you would like to pay for in the Email Address field.
- Click on the Search button.
If a user account already exists for this email address, you'll simply need to select the permissions you want to give this user and click the Add button:
If a user account does not exist for this email address, you will be directed to the "Add New User" page.
- Add the Name and Information for the User. Note that fields with an asterisk (*) in their name are required.
- Select Yes or No in the Bill my account for this user field.
- Choose the Subscription Type.
- Select the Organization Permission level for the User. For information about Organization Permissions, click here.
- Click the Add button.
After you have clicked the Add button, you will then see the New User in your list of Users.