You can export a .CSV file of your Tour Details from Master Tour 3. This file will contain information such as Dates, Venues, Cities, Promoters and much more.
This article covers:
How to Navigate to a Tour in Master Tour
Within Master Tour, select the Tour that you would like to Export Tour Details for.
- Click on the Organization Selector dropdown menu.
- Select an Organization.
- Select a Tour from the Tour Selector dropdown menu.
How to Export Tour Details
- Click on File in the Master Tour Menu Bar.
- Click on Export in the dropdown menu.
- Click on Export Tour Details As CSV in the menu.
In the Export Tour Details window:
- In the From calendar field select the calendar date that you would like your export to start from.
- In the To calendar field select the calendar date that you would like your export to end at.
- Click on the Save button to start the download of the .CSV export.