A Tag is a keyword or descriptive term that you can apply to your Tour Attachments to assist with Master Tour's search functionality. They can also be used to group similar attachments when performing a search.
This article covers:
How to Navigate to Tour Attachments
Within Master Tour, select the Tour that you would like to add Tags to Tour Attachments in.
- Click on the Organization Selector dropdown menu.
- Select an Organization.
- Select a Tour from the Tour Selector dropdown menu.
- Click on the Gear Icon to the right of your Tour Name at the top of the application.
- Click into the Attachments Section within Tour Settings in the left menu.
How to Apply Tags to Tour Attachments
- Select the file to be tagged in the Attachment list on the left side of the application.
- Click into the Tags field on the right side of the application and enter the name of your Tag. Clicking out of the text field will save your Tag name.
Once Tags have been applied, you will see them listed in the Tags field on the right side of the application.
Performing a search using a Tag word will return results of all Attachments with that Tag applied to them.