If one or more of your Organizations had numerous Artists set up within Master Tour 2, you will see the Multiple Artists Detected screen when you log into Master Tour 3. After you follow the instructions in this article, you will be able to log in and use Master Tour 3.
In Master Tour 2, data was structured with Organizations at the top level, with one or more "Artists" in each Organization, then with Tours within each Artist. In Master Tour 3, the "Artist" level has been removed and simplified, so that there are now just Organization and Tour levels in Master Tour 3.
The first step is to select which primary Artist you would like to merge into the Organization.
On this screen:
- Select your primary Artist from the dropdown menu.
- Click the Next button.
Next, you will be directed to the Would You Like To Adjust Settings For Any Tours? screen. This screen allows you to set multiple Tours as "Active" or "Archived" and "Visible" or "Hidden".
Active Tours are viewable within Master Tour 3, while Archived Tours are not. Note that this setting only affects Master Tour 3. You can always activate archived tours and archive active tours within the Tour's Settings.
Visible Tours are viewable within Master Tour Mobile and the Web Portal, while Hidden Tours are not. Note that this setting only affects Master Tour Mobile and the Web Portal. You can always hide visible tours and make visible, hidden tours within the Tour's Settings.
On this screen:
- Select Active or Archived for each tour in the Desktop Visibility column.
- Select Visible or Hidden for each tour in the Mobile Visibility column.
- Click the Finish button.
If you have more than one Organization that needs to go through this process, you will be taken back to the Multiple Artists Detected screen. If this was your only or final Organization to go through this process, you will be directed to the Master Tour dashboard.