You can add Events to Tour Dates using the Events Module in Master Tour 3.
This article covers:
How to Navigate to the Events Module
Within Master Tour, select the Tour Date that you would like to add an Event to.
- Click on the Organization Selector dropdown menu in the upper left of the application.
- Select an Organization.
- Select a Tour from the Tour Selector dropdown menu.
- Select a Tour Date in the Tour Date List on the right of the application.
Click on Events in the left menu.
How to Add Events
If you do not have any Events already created for the Tour Date, click on the Add Event button.
If you do already have an Event for the Tour Date and would like to add an additional Event, click on the + button in the upper left of the Events module.
A window will open up allowing you to add a Venue. To add a Venue, you can begin typing in the Venue field to search the Master Tour Venue database and utilize the details that our system has for each Venue. Click on the Venue from the list of results to apply it to the Date you have created. If your Venue doesn't exist in our database, Master Tour will search that Venue name on Google and offer the option of using the Name, Address, Phone Number, and URL that Google has on record. Master Tour venue records are indicated by the Master Tour logo to the right of their name, and venue records pulled from Google will display the Google logo, indicating their origin. If your Venue cannot be found in Master Tour's venue database and isn't on Google, you can create a new venue record and enter the details that you currently have.
- If you have a Schedule Template you would like to add, you can add it using the Schedule Templates dropdown.
- Click the Finish button.
If one of your Organizations has used this Venue in the past, you will see the Multiple Records Found window. Master Tour 3 uses a smart record matching system to check for any duplicate Venue records across all of your assigned Organizations. When you add a new Venue record and a duplicate record already exists, you will be notified and shown the details of all of the found duplicates.
There are instances in any tour where you might consider using a new record versus updating the information in an existing record.
If you use the Master Tour Version, any information that is updated for this record will not alter other instances throughout your organization. Creating a new duplicate record with alternate information, you can easily re-apply it to any of your upcoming dates with the same venue. Note, that any custom information that may have been applied to your previously existing records for that Venue is not carried over.
If you use one of your previous Venue Records, information from the previously loaded record will be automatically applied to your Event date. This includes key contacts, phone numbers, emails, and general notes about the Venue. Any alterations to the record once added to your new date, will also affect any previous dates with that record applied. This includes Key Contacts, Phone Numbers, Emails, and Notes about the Venue.
- Select the Venue Record Version that you would like to apply.
- Click on the Select button.
Once your Venue is added your Event will be created and you will be directed to the Overview section of the Events module. At this point, you can start updating the Venue, Promoter, Production, Facilities, Equipment, Logistics, Local Crew, and Labor Call information for the Event.