The Travel section allows you to add, manage, and view Travel items for Tour Dates. You can control who can see Travel Items using Visibility.
This article covers how to:
Understand Auto Title and Custom Title
Understand Confirmed and Unconfirmed
Enter Times and Set Day Of or Day After
Understand How Travel Items Appear in the Mobile App
Assign Parties to Travel Items
Set Travel Time, ETA, and Distance
Locate the Travel Section
Select a date on the right sidebar and click on "Travel" on the left-side bar.
To add a Travel Item, either click the Add buttons on the left or in the top right corner:
Understand Travel Types
With Travel Items you have four different Travel types you can set. These are Ground, Air, Rail, and Sea. Each type comes with its own different fields to keep track of each type of Travel info.
The default type for a new Travel Item is Ground. With Ground items, you can add Origin/Departure locations to get an auto-calculated result for your Travel time. You can even select an address quickly by clicking on the pin symbol next to these fields to select a Venue or Hotel's address.
Select the Air Travel option at the top of your Travel Item, and click the Add Flight button:
Clicking Add Flight will show you the Manage Flight dialog, where you can enter info about the Flight Leg you want to add:
After you've added one Flight Leg, you can always click the Add Flight button at the bottom of your Travel Item to add additional connecting flights to your Travel Item, or click the pencil icon to edit your existing Flight Leg and/or add new Flight Legs. You can also delete Flight Legs by clicking the trash icon, then confirming that you want to delete that Flight Leg:
For most Commercial flights, you'll just need to enter the Airline and Flight Number to pull in that flight's info from FlightAware. As soon as you type in an Airline and Flight Number, Master Tour will search FlightAware for matching flight numbers on your current Tour Date and the next day. You can then select the proper flight, and either click Done to save the Flight Leg, or click Add Flight Leg to add another Flight Leg.
After your flight is added, you'll start receiving live updates on your flight's progress, starting 48 hours before the flight is scheduled to take off. Check out our article on Flight Tracking with FlightAware for more info on adding and tracking Commercial and Private flights in Master Tour.
If you have flight confirmation emails, you can import that info using our TripIt import option under the File menu. For more info on this, click here.
Rail Travel Items contain Train Number, Rail line, Ticket Status and more.
Sea travel items contain the same general fields most travel items contain but info for generating a map for viewing is not possible.
Understand Auto Title and Custom Title
After adding in a new Travel item you can choose to either stay with the auto title, generated by the location and time inserted. Or you can switch to Custom Title at the top of the item and type in your own.
Understand Confirmed and Unconfirmed
To confirm a travel item, click on "CONFIRMED" or "UNCONFIRMED" on the upper-right section of your item. This will allow it to be highlighted on both your desktop client and mobile app to indicate its status.
Use Time Zones
Master Tour uses Time Zones to provide auto-calculations of your travel durations. With this system, you can calculate both Travel Time and ETA by inputting an Origin and Destination location with their Time Zones.
To add a Time Zone to a Travel Item scroll slightly down to bring up your Departure and Arrival fields. Click on the Time Zone box on the bottom of each section and type in the major city or abbreviation for the Time Zone you'd like to use.
Enter Times and Set Day Of or Day After
Note: Time format adjusts automatically between 12 and 24-hour format, based on your computer's regional settings and formats
Click on the item and scroll slightly down to the Departure and Arrival sections. Click on the "Departure Time" and "Arrival Time" boxes to type a custom time or the clock symbol to the right of each to set one in. You can also choose to have the Travel item be set on the day of show or after if it crosses over Midnight.
Understand How Travel Items Appear In The Mobile App
All of your travel items flow down the screen chronologically with your date's daily schedule. You can identify these items by looking for their travel type symbol such as a Plane, Bus, Train Rail, etc. You can also see your confirmed items highlighted in blue like previously mentioned.
You can also view more info on the travel item by tapping it. Travel Details include travel time and if it's confirmed or unconfirmed on the top right.
Assign Parties To Travel Items
To assign a party to a travel item scroll down until you've reached the Summary section. From here you will find the "PARTY" text field in which you can click and type in the name of the party you'd like attached to the item. Click here to learn about Visibility.
Set Visibility
To set Visibility for Users and User Groups scroll down to the Summary section for your item and click on the "VISIBILITY" selector. From here you can browse through your User Groups and individual accounts selecting those that apply.
Set Travel Time, ETA and Distance
Each travel item has fields for Travel Time, ETA, and Distance. While Master Tour does its own calculation generated by location and departure/arrival times, these fields can be customized as well if any information is to be altered.
Select the Travel item you would like to edit. Scroll down in the area to the right until you've reached the Summary section. From here click on the fields you would like to edit.
Use Travel Notes
Just like your daily notes, there is a Travel-specific Notes field. You can find this field at the top of the Travel section. Simply click to edit.
You can also find your Travel Notes on your Mobile App under the "SCHEDULE" tab of your selected date.
Remove a Travel Item
To delete a Travel item simply click on the trash symbol next to the specific item you're wishing to remove. You can find these to the right of the item on the left sidebar, a connecting Flight leg, or on the top-right of the Travel item.