Master Tour Desktop for MacOS, Windows, and Linux is available for download at In order to join the Master Tour Desktop Beta Program, you'll need to follow the steps in this article:
Users can now reorder Hotels
Users can now sort Room Lists by column
Users can now use shift-click to select a range of items' checkboxes at once
Users can now copy Personnel from Tour to Tour within an Organization
Users can now see a count of how many Users are in each User Group
When using a Filter in an area like Guest List, the Filter will be highlighted to indicate you’re looking at a filtered list
When a user types a character other than a period or number into the venue lat/long fields, the app no longer crashes
When a user updates a Day’s location while offline, a timezone and lat/long lookup now occurs when they come back online
When a user enters a Day Type that’s a number, that Day no longer becomes inaccessible
When a user uses Send Message, they are told if the message was sent successfully or not
When a user clicks the “Send” button quickly multiple times in Send Message, the message is only sent once
When a user clicks the “Print” button in the print preview, it no longer endlessly shows a “loading” animation
When a user is using Master Tour 3 in a non-English language, they no longer have to type English words for the “Remove” and “Unsubscribe” functions to work
When a user deletes the only record appearing in a search, they no longer get an error
When a Windows user shift-clicks a navigation item, they no longer get an error
“Thunderstorms” weather label no longer wraps oddly
Non-Admins no longer see “Add” or “Remove” options in Users section
Fixed visual glitch when hovering cursor in certain parts of phone/email/url fields
Users can now tab to the Close button on a Schedule Item
Improved reliability for retrieving Hotel info from Google Places
Improved reliability for editing existing Flight Legs
Improved behavior for only kicking users out of a field after they’ve been inactive for 30 seconds or more, to both prevent sync conflicts and prevent workflow disruption